Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Diane, Ted, and Curly Joe!

There's a new "Dawn of the Dead(heads)" now showing in our nation's capital. Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, and Diane Feinstein star as zombies attempting to eat Supreme Court Justice nominee John Roberts' brain. Reading from a script worse than Ishtar, the 3 Senate Stooges are making bigger fools of themselves than I'd have thought humanly possible.
I think Biden is the pick of the litter. With talk radio constantly replaying his remarks during Ruth Bader Ginzburg's hearing, where he forthrightly defended her right to refuse to respond to questions concerning issues that might come before the Court, Plagiarizing Joe insists that Roberts must respond or the Republic will collapse. Maybe Mr. Biden is planning for another unsuccessful bid for the presidency, and needs the support of NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and the rest of the baby killers to jump start his campaign. (Note to Joe: Quit while you're ahead. A wasted mind is a terrible thing to lose!)
In comparison, Judge Roberts appears thoughtful, forthright, and way smarter than his inquisitors. I think the only person capable of pulling the Democrats' Oldsmobile out of Chappaquidick is Howard Dean. If anybody can make these three look better in comparison, it's Howlin' Howard.

1 comment:

gimlet said...

I don't think even poor Curly Joe deserves to be in this company!