Monday, January 02, 2006

Merry Christmas! Now, Out of my way or I'll stomp you!!!

We took down the tree today, and the outside lights were removed yesterday (Sunday). All in all, it was a good holiday season, even if it did go by way too fast. Having 9 days break was awesome, and getting extra time to spend with family really contrasts with the days I spent in retail where you were lucky if you got Christmas Day off!
Seeing the day-after-Christmas footage of shoppers shoving, slugging, and trampling their way through the stores and malls really brought back memories--most of them painful. It's sobering to see normally(?) rational(?)(?)people turn into Russell Crowe with a telephone when somebody dangles a piece of half-price Chinese electronics in front of them. In my day, I've seen people fight over Cabbage Patch dolls, Atari Pac Man cartridges, and complimentary donuts (seeing a group of senior citizens knock each other down for a jelly roll was definitely the highlight of my retail career!).


JBear1982 said...

We took our tree down Sunday, always have. Didn't put lights up this year. Thats funny about the old ppl. I have seen people wait outside stores for beanie babies, stuff at Best Buy- xbox 360- a day before it came out!

gimlet said...

I limited myself to only two days of physical shopping this year. I hated it. Too many pushy and/or stressed-out people. No wonder Amazon reported that it had had a huge season.

Besides Amazon, I also ordered from e-tailers ThinkGeek (motto: "Stuff for Smart Masses"), as well as the Ontario Chinchillas Association.

That being said, it's amazing how effectively the shopping craze ruins the Christmas spirit. Who needs "Happy Holidays" when you have "Holiday Hours" to ruin everything?