Saturday, March 03, 2007

Cardinals in Spring Training--Daisy can't wait for season to start!

Although it's cold and snowy in St. Louis this Saturday, the 2006 World Champion Cardinals are in Florida preparing to defend their title. Daisy the Golden, the RedBirds fuzziest fan, is so excited about the upcoming season, she's resorted to carrying a ball around with her all day.

Like all true baseball fans, she supports her home team, and wags her tail furiously whenever someone wearing a "Birds on the Bat" jersey shows up on TV. But like all students of the game, she snarls and growls at the sight of a Cubs fan. She even destroyed a CD that was playing the Sinatra hit "Chicago", and attacks anyone who smells of Wrigley chewing gum.

In honor of the team's Latin players, the rollicking retriever is now a bilingual barker, and her favorite band is Los Lonely Boys. When asked how hard it will be for other teams to beat her beloved "El Birdos", Daisy answers "Ruff, Ruff!".


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