Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Judge Alito

It looks like President Bush recovered pretty quickly from the Harriet Miers flap by nominating an experienced jurist to replace Sandra Day O'Conner on the US Supreme Court. Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr has a long and distinguished resume as a Federal Appeals Court judge, federal prosecutor, and lawyer. No word on whether he ever volunteered for Meals on Wheels.
That didn't stop knee-jerk liberals (including just-plain-jerk Chuckie Schumer) from attacking Alito as "dangerous" and a person "who would divide us rather than unite us". Huh?! Exactly where does it say in the job description that a Supreme Court justice must somehow 'unite' the people of the United States? I can just see the Senate hearings now: "Judge Alito, can you provide some examples of how you've brought people together since you were first appointed to the bench?". "Well, Senator, in one case involving the issue of gun control, I put a rifle, 5 bullets, and a law-abiding citizen together. It was a match made in heaven!" I bet Ted "hiccup" Kennedy's face would really blotch over that one!!
The 'Pro-Death' crowd will also be up in arms for fear that a new conservative majority on the Court will lead to greater restrictions on abortion. Funny how the same liberals who think the government should control every aspect of our lives, from where we live to where our kids go to school to how we should spend our own money get so whacko when it comes to ANY government intervention that preserves human life and dignity.
The Democrats will howl and scream, but in the end, I believe Alito will be confirmed. With any luck, more of the Court's liberal wing will decide they've had enough and give Bush the chance to add another Justice who believes in measuring laws by the Constitution and not creating law out of thin air.


gimlet said...

I'm impressed that Alito is actually a member of the Federalist Society. I'm sure someone will put on the convulsions act over that one.

Another good sign: Robert Bork approves of him. That, my friends, makes me feel good.

Merc Man said...

Actually, Chief Justice Roberts is also a member of the Federalist Society. I really like the idea of a Roberts-Scalia-Thomas-Alito block on the Supreme Court. All we need is one more pick.....