Saturday, September 08, 2007

Can Chili Come Out and Play?

Today marks Day 7 of Chili Chinchilla's vacation to North County. She's had a great time dining on our MercMenu of alfalfa, Chin Chow, raisins, and oatmeal, jogging around the 'Chinnie Track" of our hallway, taking refreshing dust baths at the MercSpa, and entertaining our Golden Retriever, Daisy.
Daisy loves to look through the window of the baby gate into Chili's room, and she stares so intently we say she's watching "Must See Chinchilla TV!".
Gimlet and Froggie Girl are due back later next week to collect Chili, but for now she's content to sit back and relax on her first trip to the North Suburbs. The biggest dilemma we face is what Daisy will do for entertainment when Chili goes back home. Probably back to those boring old tennis balls and chewed up slippers!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Daisy, One-Year-Resident of North County!

On Saturday, September 1, Daisy celebrated her first year in her new home. The top photo shows Daisy sleeping by our back door on that first afternoon. The bottom photo is Daisy today, about 65 pounds heavier and much fuzzier.
The past year has been filled with late-night trips outside, lots of chewed-up shoes and socks, what seems like a ton of dog food/treats, and a million laughs. It had been a long interval since our last puppy, and we probably underestimated the activity level by a factor of 10, but Mrs Merc Man and I wouldn't trade it for anything. To all of our friends and family who have helped/supported/just put up with us, we give a hearty Thank You!

How'd I Get So Old?

On Sunday, we had Grandpa Merc Man over to celebrate his 84th birthday. As it turned out, my MercNephews, Chris and Ryan, and Ryan's fiance' Beatriz, also came by to visit. Chris works for MoDot and is stationed in St Louis to work on the Highway 40 redo, and Ryan and Beatriz were in town from Midland, Texas, where they are employed by Haliburton. Ryan and Beatriz will be married in November in Puerto Rico, so best wishes to the happy couple!
Before everybody left, Mrs Merc Man took a picture. That's me in the back trying to peek over everybody. I remember when the boys were just little guys in a crib! How'd I get so old?!

It's Chili Bean!

While Froggie Girl and Gimlet explore the Badlands of South Dakota, Mrs Merc Man and I are Chinchilla-sitting Chili, who is recovering from some scrapes she received in an encounter with another "little friend". Everything's gone pretty well, and Chili seems to have really settled in. Daisy, our Golden Retriever, is fascinated by her new housemate, and spends much of each day peering over the baby gate into the room housing Chili's cage.
Yesterday morning, Daisy piled lots of her toys outside the room in the hope that Chili would come out to play. Apparently, Daisy thinks Chins are just really small dogs, especially after hearing Chili "bark" the little noise Chinnies can make.
Who'd have guessed Chinchillas would like being on vacation?