Sunday, October 21, 2007


On Friday, my new Craftsman toolbox arrived via UPS. I already had a rolling cabinet topped with a matching chest, but had run out of space to hold all the additions to my tool collection. So, I ordered a new intermediate chest to nestle between the top and bottom boxes and give me four additional drawers to cram with tools.
As it stands now, my combo stands 6 feet tall and is completely loaded with Craftsman hand tools. The only problem I have now is trying to wheel that behemoth around. Man, what a great dilemma!!

Rainy Days and Sundays....

Poor Daisy! After a busy Sunday morning that included a two-mile walk through Sunset Park, a "Rocket Dog"romp in the backyard that terrified the dogs next door, and a few good woofs at all the other goings on in the neighborhood, she got highly insulted when she was called inside to avoid running through our just-watered tiger lillies. Like the spoiled adolescent she is, she threw herself across our bed and proceeded to put on one of her famous "Puppy Pouts".