Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bush Hits Back, Democrats Scream!

After too many months of silence, President Bush finally came out swinging against Democrats attacking the liberation of Iraq. In spite of past pronouncements of the threat posed by Saddam Hussein, former Clintonistas and Senate liberals have now seized on Iraq as their majic carpet back into power.
The Dick Turbans of the world want to rewrite history in order to claim that the intelligence that led the Bush Administration to remove Saddam in 2003 is somehow different than the material that allowed Bill Clinton to launch missile and bomber strikes against Iraq and that pushed Congress to pass the "Regime Change in Iraq" resolution in the late 1990s. Unfortunately for the Democrats and their accomplices in the media, conservatives on Talk Radio and in the blogosphere aren't so willing to go along.
To be sure, the Iraq War has been costly and difficult, but the sight of Senate Minority Leader "Dingy" Harry Reid and Ted "the Swimmer" Kennedy proclaiming that the President of the United States sent American troops to "die for a lie" is downright treasonous. These anti-American political hacks and their co-conspirators from the looney Left are willing to sacrifice US troops in order to defeat George W Bush politically. Since they failed to beat 'W' at the polls, and fear still greater defeats from a realigned Supreme Court, the Left-wing fringe is going all-out to destroy the President by attacking him in the most disgraceful manner possible. It's a safe bet that Al-Jazeera is gleefully spreading this poison around the Middle East.
Hopefully, President Bush and VP Cheney will continue to counter the distortions of the Democrats and promote the growth of representative government across the Middle East. More importantly, our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines need to hear from their civilian leadership that they are fully supported by every resource the nation can muster, and that they are admired and appreciated for the tremendous job they are doing in the most trying circumstances.

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