Friday, November 04, 2005

Halloween Rainout

It rained in St. Louis on Halloween. It hasn't rained much all year, but it rained on Halloween. St. Louis is in the midst of a drought, but it rained all day and most of the night. We had 26 brave tykes and their parents show up in spite of the gloomy weather, but the soaking definitely put a damper (sorry for the pun) on the festivities.
I suppose it could have been much worse. The trick-or-treaters were all well-behaved, and we had plenty of candy to last the evening. Sometimes in the past, we'd be down to handing out change and chewing gum. The only downside is that all that chocolate around the house draws me like a nail to a magnet. I guess we could always buy less candy, but then all those varieties strewn across the stores' shelves would be left homeless, and my selection of leftovers would include things like candy corn and Sweet Tarts.
Think I'll just stick with gluttony.

1 comment:

JBear1982 said...

Sounds like you did better than we did. I think we got maybe 12 trick or treaters. The two cutest were the twin grandsons of our neighbor. They were dressed as bears!! Too cute! So we have lots of leftover Kitkats, snickers, milkyway(all of which taste great frozen!)