Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Daisy's Fine, MercMan's Not

Yesterday, Daisy had her first visit to the veterinarian for her "new puppy" checkup. This is the same office we took our first Golden, Tinker, to, so it was a bit of Deja' Vu 15 years later. Good news! Daisy the puppy is perfectly healthy. That should be the end of the story, but it's not.

For the past couple of weeks, I have been having some vision problems with my right eye that just weren't improving. This morning, I went to see an Opthamologist who discovered that I have a detached retina! Not only that, but I have to be operated on tomorrow (Thursday) or I'll go blind in that eye within a few weeks to few months. Now that's an attention getter! Needless to say, I'm gonna face the knife.

At least after all that, I got to come home and spend the rest of the afternoon with Mrs MercMan and little Daisy. Thinking of them got me through the day, and will also get me through tomorrow.

Golden's Rule!!

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