Saturday, August 23, 2008

Daisy and the Evil Rocker/Recliner

In some earlier posts, I wrote about Daisy the Golden Retriever and her fear of mylar balloons. It turns out our hyperactive hound is also terrified by the machinations of the rocker/recliner in our living room.
A few days ago, after mowing the backyard, I took off my socks and draped them across the back of said rocker/recliner. Daisy, of course, thought it would be great fun to retrieve my socks and give them the chewing/slobbering they so richly deserved. She jumped into the chair and grabbed the socks, but before she could get back down, the rocker component kicked in and froze her in mid-exit. Not being able to figure out why this inanimate piece of furniture was now swaying back and forth, she sat immobilized for several minutes until I stopped laughing and held the chair still while she slid out of it. Although she still steals socks, and other pieces of clothing, whenever the situation presents itself, she's now giving the rocker as wide a berth as possible.

1 comment:

JBear1982 said...

Haha, that's too funny. Loki knows to avoid the rocker as well. However she has never actually gotten trapped on the rocker. Loki is still a very active, mischievious puppy. She is indeed living up to her name.