Monday, September 01, 2008

McCain picks a "Babe"!

Just when I think the Republican Party has doomed itself to failure in 2008, John McCain makes a brilliant pick for his running mate, and continues to hammer the Democrats like he was the second coming of Ronald Wilson Reagan ("Ronaldus Magnus").
Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska (that's about as far from Washington DC as you can get!), is a Pro-Life (actually living the Pro-Life ideal), pro-drilling, pro-hunting/fishing NRA member who championed political reform in her home state.
Instead of picking another Beltway Blowhard like Joe Biden, McCain has found a conservative candidate who has fought against wasteful government spending and the old-line politicos who maintain the status quo. Suddenly, a lot of conservatives (me included) who were leery of the GOP ticket are almost giddy at the very real prospect of beating the socialist messiah, Barack Obama, in November. USA! USA! USA!

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