Saturday, September 24, 2005

Weekly Rants, Raves, and Whatever

*It's Saturday morning, September 24, 2005, and Hurricane Rita has come ashore on the Gulf Coast. Thankfully, the storm damage does not appear to be as severe as many feared it might have been, and that sent the news media into a deep depression.
NBC's John Roberts stood in the lobby of his hotel as wind and rain raced through broken windows, and bemoaned the "inch of water" on the floor. He was probably more upset that the hotel's room service was out.
Over at CBS, Tracy Smith was doing her best to knit her brow and find the dark cloud in the good news, constantly intoning that the storm "wasn't over yet". Her co-host Russ Mitchell was more upbeat, and so will probably be relegated to covering John Kerry's latest Bo-Tox injections and Dick Turban's rants against the US military.
The rest of the country will spend some time offering thanks.

*Speaking of events that the news media will drool over, Cindy Sheehan and her anti-American cohorts will spend much of this weekend protesting the Iraq liberation, America's Armed Forces, Israel, George W, and the number of shoe stores in shopping malls across this capitalist, decadent, evil country. Musical entertainment will be provided by Joan Baez, who hasn't had a hit since Dien Bien Phu! "Hanoi Jane" Fonda will probably show up to hawk her book and condemn the greedy country that provided a pampered life to the daughter of a movie star and ex-wife of one of the richest men in the world. She probably spent the week at Tiffany's picking out the perfect accessories for protesting with the masses.

*Kudos to elected officials and public safety officers for their great work since multiple disaters struck the Gulf Coast almost a month ago. While politicos were running their mouths, a lot of regular folks were out on the front lines, repairing storm damage, tending to the needs of their neighbors, and risking their own health without a word of complaint. This Mississippi Highball is for you!

*Congrats to Judge John Roberts on his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation victory, with approval by the full Senate expected next week. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she'll lecture the new Chief Justice on the importance of "finding enlightenment" in documents other than the US Constitution, including those from other countries. My own advice to Chief Justice Roberts is to tell Justice Ginsburg: "Thanks for your input. Now kindly sit down and shut the hell up!".

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