Saturday, September 17, 2005

Weekly Rants, Raves, and Whatever

*I'm getting a little tired of the Hurricane Katrina survivors that the media chooses to put on TV. The majority slander the President, demand compensation from their fellow citizens, and generally sound like whiners and complainers. It's probably an attempt to portray the US as rascist and evil, but the networks aren't doing evacuees any favors. If a lot of Americans feel as I do, it's got to make it harder to elicit charitable contributions when recipients do little more than growl at their benefactors.

*Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee haven't done well against Judge Roberts, and that's a good thing. What's really annoying is that they can't even come up with their own questions! Rather than pandering to abortion-rights groups, race-baiters, and environmental wackos, maybe they should pick up a copy of 'Selecting Supreme Court Justices for Dummies'.

*Officials in New Orleans say they want guns out of the hands of criminals, which is good. They want to go about it by disarming honest citizens, and that's nuts! Let's see, a flood hits a major American city. Panic ensues, the local cops split, the people are left to fend for themselves against Mother Nature, rapists, looters, and gang bangers, and the average New Orleanian is asked to submit like a lamb to the slaughter. This rant really ties in with my earlier rant about the evacuees. If you wait for the government to take care of your needs, the government will decide what your needs are and whose needs get filled. On the other hand, maybe Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin don't want the people they abandoned to the tender mercies of criminals to have access to weapons when they come a-calling!

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